Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Herbal Plants: Alternative Medicine

A-Z Remedies Health Condition Index
comfrey oil Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies - Comfrey Oil
When our grandmothers needed to attend to the bumps, bruises, fevers and other illnesses their family suffered, they didn't have a corner drugstore. Instead these good women relied on simple wisdom, common sense, and pantries well stocked with herbal remedies. With few exceptions, these remedies were made from plants and herbs that grew in the kitchen garden or were gathered in the fields and woods surrounding their homes. There is a growing awareness of the importance of returning to the use of whole foods and healthy herbs into our modern lives. This home herbal remedy collection is my own small way of working to preserve the knowledge of my grandmother and yours for future generations. It is grounded in my desire to explore the natural world of plants and live a simpler and healthier life.

The information on the medicinal properties and uses of herbs presented here is for information purposes only.** Though I have made every effort to gather the most up to date and accurate information, no explicit guarantee is made for the effectiveness of these herbal remedies. The practice of plant based medicine demands a high level of knowledge, common sense, and respect for the power of nature. I am a home herbalist, not a trained medical practitioner. My main goal is preserve and practice the wise woman ways for myself, my family and friends. I sincerely hope you find something here that can be of use for you and yours too.

Finding your way around Annies Remedy The two main sections of this website organize information in different ways; and it can be confusing at first. The medicinal herb chart lists herbs alphabetically and by properties and actions, with links to individual herb profiles. It is a great starting point if you are looking for information on a single herb or medicinal plant. The herbal remedies section is grouped by health concerns with links to recipes and procedures for using and preparing herbal teas, oils, salves and so forth. Each remedy contains links back to information on the herbs used in the remedy. If you get lost, use the icons or search box at the top of the each page, or browse through the A to Z health concerns directory to find your way again. If you can not find the information you were searching for, please let us know so we can improve our listings.